birth anniversary of Lord Buddha is celebrated all over India both
by the Mahayana and the Hinayana Buddhists as the Buddha Purnima. In
about 500 B.C. Prince Siddhartha Goutama, was born in the small
kingdom of Kapilavastu, now in the Indo-Nepal border. now
in the Indo-Nepal border. According to Buddhist mythology, days
before his birth, his mother, the Queen of Kapilavastu, wife of
King Shuddhodhan, visited the forest of Lumbini, and there while
sleeping she dreamt that a white elephant had entered her belly.
She took this as a charm. Soon a son was born and the parents decided
to call her Siddhartha. Young Siddhartha was an exceptionally kind
hearted boy and continued to grow up in the same manner. He was
married to princess Yashodhara who bore him a son whom they named
Rahul. But somehow, Siddhartha was not happy with his life.
day, while strolling through his capital in a chariot, Siddhartha
saw an aged sick man, then a very old man and then a dead body,
one after another. He saw suffering and realized that he should
find out a way from the pain and earthly sufferings. He made up
his mind to leave his family and palace in search of the 'Nirvana'
or the ultimate knowledge. |
years of salvation, in Gaya he attained 'Nirvana' and was known
Buddha or the enlightened one. He 1st preached at Sarnath.
His teachings are
called the 'Ashtangika Marg' or the eight-fold path.
Step 1: Right knowledge
Step 2: Right intention
Step 3: Right speech
Step 4: Right conduct
Step 5: Right means of livelihood
Step 6: Right effort
Step 7: Right mindfulness
Step 8: Right concentration
His teachings are accumulated in 3 books: Sutta pitaka, Vinaya pitaka
and Avidhamma pitaka, together known as Tripitaka. |