Colour therapy is a branch of Chromotherapy, which is a superior remedial science.
With the seven colours of the spectrum, Colour Therapy intends to equilibrium and improves our body's liveliness. Chakras also assist to motivate our body's own curative procedure. The Health and medicinal benefits of Color Light Therapy have been recognized and embraced for centuries by Eastern, Chinese and Asian Indian Ayurvedic curing |
practitioners. Nowadays, these benefits are known and used by Alternative Healing practitioners the world over.
Colour has an intense result on all of us on all levels, bodily, psychological, emotional and spiritual. If our power centers become sterile or exhausted, then our body cannot function correctly and this, in turn, can guide to a diversity of problems at any stage .Every spectrum colours is just light of varying wavelengths, thus each color has its own particular force. The force involving to each of these spectrum colours resonates with the power of each of the seven main chakras of the body. Colour therapy can assist to stable these 'wheels' by applying the suitable colour to the body
and consequently re-balance our chakras. Violet has the shortest wave length and red the greatest wave length. Colour has an intense result on all of us on all levels, bodily, psychological, emotional and spiritual. If our power centers become sterile or exhausted, then our body cannot function correctly and this, in turn, can guide to a diversity of problems at any stage .Every spectrum colours is just light of varying wavelengths, thus each color has its own particular force. The force involving toeach of these spectrum colours resonates with the power of each of the seven main chakras of the body. Colour therapy can assist to stable these 'wheels' by applying the suitable colour to the body and consequently re-balance our chakras. Violet has the shortest wave length and red the greatest wave length.
Colour Chakras
There are seven major energy centres (chakras) of the body which resonate with the seven rainbow colours. Chakras are similar to spirals of power, each one connecting to the others. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for ' wheel '.
If you can visualize the main chakras / energy centres as a set of cogs/wheels, they are quite like the workings of a clock or an engine; each cog /wheel needs to move easily and at a parallel speed for the clock / engine to work appropriately.
Thus good health and well being is achieved by equilibrium of all these energies (or the smooth running of the cogs/wheels). |