How The Colours Help
Blue and green are relaxing colours and likely to reduce painRed, with it’s an assortment of shades, is a stimulant. It pumps up the nervous
system and is an efficient anti-depressant. A bit of red around kitchens and dining rooms may excite appetites.Orange has an effect alike to red but less intensely so. Yellow relaxes you. If you have a hectic job, you might want
to be dressed in
more of this colour. Yellow and green are exceptional shades for bedrooms.
Brown, violet and grey are neutral colours. However, the darker the shade, the more miserable the effect is likely to be. Black creates both psychological and physical depression. And it’s been logically proved. Pink, especially bubble-gum pink, appears to be a colour with many strange properties. A jovial pink could be a great colour to beautify a child’s playroom with.
Colours Reveal Personality
Even the colour of your choice can disclose a lot about your traits and your preferences. |
Blue: You are likely to be a responsive kind of person, astonishingly well in control of your life and chiefly content with it.
Brown: You’re more unconfident than most people you know. And this is likely to obvious itself in a constant desire for an established way of life.
Red: You’re living too much on your nerves, so you need to take it easy a bit;
Black: This choice means hopelessness and a deep-seated hate of one’s
present lifestyle. People who wear black often are reflexively putting self-protective barriers against the world to hide behind.
Violet: Lots of disagreements mark your character, so that sometimes you are very spontaneous and at other chill as ice. Chances are that you’re also an immense worrier about your health.
Grey: This is perpetual escapist’s favorite. Grey is for a person who seeks to avoid emotional conflicts and promise. However grey-lovers are usually dependable people in crises.
Green: It is a colour of selfishness. This however, also makes for positive accomplishment.Greenies are likely to be victorious people in terms of material profit.